Good Fire Restoration Plan Template

Wildsite and Jagun Alliance Aboriginal Corporation have developed a template for cultural and ecological fire consultants to prepare Good Fire Restoration Plans on private property in the Northern Rivers.

The template provides authors with a targeted and consistent approach for assessing and communicating altered fire regime issues consistent with cultural and ecological values. Good Fire Restoration Plans are streamlined action plans that provide fire practitioners and landowners with guidelines and actions to restore Good Fire on individual properties.

A companion document, Good Fire – Healthy Country, provides background information on the fundamental importance of fire in both open ecosystems and in Bundjalung culture, and is designed to:

  • assist plan authors in preparing Good Fire Restoration Plans; and
  • help practitioners and landowners to better understand plan rationale, guidelines and actions

Need training to use the template? We can provide training for the desktop and site assessments needed to complete a Plan. Get in touch to learn more. 

Ecological-cultural burn Broken Head, Byron Shire