Environmental Impact Assessment
Environmental Impact Assessment
Wildsite can prepare your Review of Environmental Factors (REF) and conduct comprehensive flora and fauna assessments for your Species Impact Statement (SIS) and Environmental Impact Statement (EIS). We specialise in the assessment of prescribed burn programs and infrastructure maintenance works in sensitive natural areas and endnagered ecological communities.
Our knowledge and experience enable us to help our clients negotiate their way through complex state and federal environmental legislation, and develop rigorous envronmental safeguards to provide maximum protection to environmental values.
Since our establishment in 1997, we have undertaken numerous environmental impact assessment projects for clients, including the NSW National Parks and Wildlife Service and Local Government and private landholders across the NSW north coast.
Recent Projects
Review of Environmental Factors: Burn Program – Tooloom National Park
Wildsite recently prepared a Review of Environmental Factors ongoing planned burn program in Tooloom National Park and Captains Creek Nature Reserve. The burn program was intended to restore historical fire regimes to these reserves.
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